Simultaneous Time & Synchronicity.. "a theory 🙃"

Simultaneous Time & Synchronicity.. "a theory 🙃"

Simultaneous Time and synchronicity.. a theory 🙃

Time is the collective of all moments of all experience

simultaneously existing within non-time

which is usually referred to as eternity. 

.. for Earth, and for the 3rd Dimension, the way the game is set up is that you only see one timeline. You don't see all the other spokes on the wheel. And you think there's only one. And you think that's the only one that you're ever on... and that you walk down it. And its got a Past, Present and a Future.

It's a little different than that.

How it really works, and we'd like to call this 'the Harp of Probability'---it's your quantum physics. So if you want to think about a harp, and the different strings on the harp itself, and as you pluck a string, it has a particular vibration to it. Each version of a probable reality has different frequency to it. Some of the details are slightly different.

And what happens is that you project yourself, you focus your energy, if you think about it as a beam of light, coming down, a spotlight, it's  very solid, the light's not diffused at all-- and you're focused and projecting on one string: that's you, projecting into a body on a timeline.

So you're inhabiting this body, and you don't see any of the other timelines.

Now, you're constantly moving back and forth on the strings, to chose different vibrations based on your choice.  But because you're perceiving everything through the mind, and the mind is beautiful thing, and it's what allows you to see and experience a linear reality, the mind tells you that you're only on one timeline. But you're constantly moving back and forth, and occasionally you will sense it as deja vu. You've been here before, yes, you were on that similar event event --on another timeline.

And when you start to understand this, it helps you to really manipulate events.


My interest in the concept was sparked by Dolores Canon's fascinating three volume account on Nostradamus, a man very much ahead of his time. He used a mirror of polished Obsidian as a gazing tool which with, along with concentrated meditation facilitated views of the future. He could both see the probability of certain major future events and telepathically communicate to earth's future beings who would describe their everyday existence to an amazed 16th century man.

Dolores was one of those who spoke with him. Using a hypnotic technique called past life regression, her patients were brought to a time in between their lives on earth. From that expanded perspective they could "zero in on" Nostradamus- assisted by spirit guides - and consciously contact him in his own time. Their descriptions of 16th century France transcended the lack of knowledge of that time period in their current lives. 

How could his time and our time co-exist in the same moment? Did their conversation with him become a quatrain which exists as history in our time? If she was reading the translations of the quatrains to him, and he was writing them down apparently hearing at least some of them for the first time-but still able to describe what meaning the symbols contained .....where did they come from? Of course, if you're still reading I salute you. 

What I am amazed to discover is that All lives, including your past lives exist right NOW. They are, shall we say "separated by frequency" to prevent them from becoming confusing. You play out all those scenarios simultaneously , but to the "you" in this particular scenario it seems as if the other scenarios play out in a linear time frame. Linear time is one of the definitions of life in the 3rd dimension. Volume and time are the products of the definition of the dimension in which we exist. You have to be of a higher frequency, away from physical reality to break free from linear time. We do this while we sleep, in dreams.

Physical-plane time is not the measure of universes. It is an arbitrary division based on planetary circulations that relates mostly to itself and nothing else. 
Simultaneously means at the same universal frequency.
-Michael (a mid-causal plane teacher)

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