Electromagnetic weapons are technologies used for mind control to hijack a person's mind and nervous system to subvert individual sense of control over their thinking, behavior, emotions and decision making. All governments are involved in this with the United States and Russia being the biggest to use mind controlling technology for torture and abuse of human rights.

Using microchip implants, nanotechnologies, geophysical and genetic weapons they use electronic microwave pulses to attack a person's brain and body functions, these silent weapons have a long history of being used on the unsuspecting masses in the home and as well in public places. The communist agenda has always been secretly placed over all human rights for breaking the minds of the public to rebuild them on what to think and carry for personal opinions with life.

When they developed nanotechnology this created a different type of implantable microchip which establishes new nerve connections into the brain that controls movement, alters emotions and total thinking. One signal sent to the mind can induce changes lasting more than a week interacting with thought process modifying the pathway for controlling movement.

The official "black projects" implantable devices that are millimeter and submillimeter in size able to be implanted fabricated in a manner that makes them undetectable or localized by medical or radiology. The neuro device allows "voice of GOD" broadcasts commands and sounds into the heads of victims through pulse modulated microwave frequencies sent from an operator.

The deep state also uses these wave energy weapons to manipulate and reprogram political and religious figures seen by the masses for the purpose of controlling the general populations thinking through an information war, mood management and overall mind control.

Orgone energy protects you from this.

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